Swagbucks - Swag codes

Redeem Swag Code
Swagbucks Swag Code

What is a Swag Code?

Swag Codes are phrases that are combines together to create a keyword with no spaces and at times they include numbers. Swag codes are available for a short period of time and can be redeem for a specific amount of SB "swagbucks" before they expire.

Where can I find Swag Codes?

Swag Codes can be found on any page or website that is part of swagbucks; from Facebook or twitter to swagbucks blog. To find out where the swag code has been posted you will need to download an extension the "SwagButton" to receive the notification that a new swag code has been posted and 
where to find it.

To download the SwagButton click HERE - its available for Google Chrome and Firefox. If you’re using Android or iOS Mobile Apps you can accept to receive Push Notifications, which will let you know when there is a new code and where to find it.

How to redeem Swag Code
Redeem Swag Code

How to redeem swag codes for Swag Bucks?

You can redeem the swag codes by Hovering over the Swag Code phrase with a Safe Icon, at the top of every page on swagbucks.com. When you hover over it a box will appear with a bar to type / paste the swag code exactly as it appears then click Redeem.


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